Sound and vibration Damage
current regulations only require sound mitigation when the average increase from the current state is projected to be more than 5 decibels
This means that the plans for On-Corr and the Ontario Line are:
based on an average calculation and not the increase at the loudest point. So the measurement isn’t based on the moment the engine goes by, but an hourly average that includes the train cars, and the silence between trains
only required if the increase in noise from what is happening today is more than 5 decibels. Homes, parks and schools along the track that are already dealing with sound pollution have a higher starting bar!
Metrolinx has used projections and assumptions in their model to determine which sections of track actually will get sound mitigation. Most importantly, the model assumes that the trains will be electrified. But until we actually electrify the track, we’re dealing with diesel which is louder and messier. If the model was made using diesel trains, mitigation would have no doubt been required everywhere.
current ON-CORR plan doesn’t have the budget in place for seamless mitigation
Even if the mitigation plans as budgeted went ahead toady, there are large sections of track that don’t currently have funds allocated for sound mitigation. Metrolinx relied on the noise projections based on electrified trains included in the Environmental Assessment in their initial funding request, but that document didn’t require noise mitigation on all residential areas of track. This means that large sections of track (some with homes feet from the train tracks) are not slated for noise mitigation efforts. Find out here if your home is in one of them.
Effects of noise pollution
It’s well documented that noise pollution negatively impacts city residents. Selected news coverage on the point available
* Via Global News here
property owners need to carefully document current property to protect for future vibration damage
Some homes have already begun to experience property damage from increased vibrations. In order to receive any compensation from Metrolinx for train-related damage, homeowners have to definitively prove that the damage was directly caused by train vibration.
Homeowners are being asked to document the ‘before’ state of their homes in great detail prior to being provided compensation.
The Metrolinx claims office can be reached at:
Ask us for more information about how you can protect your home in advance of these vibration increases.
“As is the case for any type of insurance claim, the claimant must provide evidence linking the damage claimed to the actions of a responsible party (e.g. photos, invoices, witness statements, etc.). The frequency of documentation will depend on the situation and what is being claimed. The description of the event is related to the damage that was caused and the date/time. Metrolinx will investigate the claim to ascertain the work that was taking place and will use this information to assess the claim.The purpose of the pre-condition survey is to establish the property condition prior to the work beginning. The pre-condition survey will be carried out by a third party firm. This third party firm will be commissioned by the successful proponent bidding on the project, once on board and prior to construction. It will be used to assess any claims that are made once the work begins.It has also been suggested in the past that the homeowner does not have to wait for a pre-condition survey to assess the baseline condition of their property prior to construction. If the homeowner has reasonable suspicions that damage has been caused to their property as a result of the actions of Metrolinx, they can document the condition of their property on their own and monitor for changes by taking their own photos. They can also hire their own outside experts to do so, on their behalf, at their own expense. However, every case is viewed independently of all other cases, based on the evidence presented.”