Media and News Coverage
The Star (FEbruary 6, 2020)
Provincial Transportation Minister pushing to speed up environmental assessments and land expropriation in connection with transit projects.
CTV NEws (January 28, 2020)
CTV coverage of the Leslieville Open House discussing resident concerns about the proposed Ontario Line.
Zoomer Radio (October 24, 2019)
Darcie Garand (acting Vice-Chair of the Lakeshore East CAC), Councillor Paula Fletcher and MPP Jessica Bell discuss the Ontario Line with Libby Znaimer.
BLOG.TO (Sept. 2019)
Coverage of the town hall hosted by MPP Peter Tabuns and city councillor Paula Fletcher for neighbours to express concerns about the impact the Ontario Line
AM 640 - Kelly Cutrara (August 21, 2019)
Darcie Garand (acting Vice-Chair of the Lakeshore East CAC) outlines the issues on AM640
Global News at 5:30pm (August 20, 2019)
Darcie Garand (acting Vice-Chair of the Lakeshore East CAC) and Gail Mason a CAC representative are interviewed by Matthew Bingley from Global News at 5:30
Toronto Star (August 19, 2019)
Ben Spurr outlines the community’s issues with the Ontario Line.
Globe & Mail (December 2, 2018)
David Bosworth discusses impact of increased noise (and noise pollution) as a result of the RER expansion. (july 18, 2017)
Coverage of the July 10, 2017 community meeting organized by David Bosworth, François Larsen and Don Booth to outline the issues around the RER expansion.